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Sustain the creation of the Buzzi children’s hospital of Milan.
We see a future where children in need of care can find it in a place designed specially for them. A pediatric hospital where excellence and patient-centered services are the norm, and where young patients can always be with their families.
The new Buzzi is not just a new building funded by the public; it is also the expansion and modernization of every department. Therefore, we’re working together with companies and private citizens to build a new cutting-edge children’s hospital.

The Donor Wall is here!
A virtual sky populated with stars and planets that celebrate all the people and companies who, with their commitment, have supported our initiatives for the young patients of the Buzzi Hospital. Light up a star too.

Edu games for children and teens
With the support of IBM volunteers, a project open to all is launched to increase the digital and technological skills of the youngest by playing with them. Discover the schedule of activities.

Zero gravity
We have a very important mission to complete:
construction of the bright new Buzzi together. A special place without gravity, where children can play together and forget why they’re in the Buzzi Hospital.

New amblyopia clinic
Starting 2021, within the Gerusalemme stop on Milan’s M5 subway line, eye examinations will be given to diagnose and treat amblyopia, a pediatric condition known also as “lazy eye.”

New influenza vaccine clinic
During the 2020 COVID pandemic, we’ve been able to vaccine more than one thousand children at the clinic in the Gerusalemme station of Milan’s M5 metro, allowing parents and their children to respect social distancing guidelines and avoid entering in congested hospitals.

Pediatric surgery pathways during the COVID pandemic
Abbiamo finalizzato l’acquisto di nuove strumentazioni da destinare ai percorsi di emergenza Covid per la Chirurgica di Pronto Soccorso dell’Ospedale Buzzi: Gastroenterologia, Urologia e Oculistica che trattano circa 800 urgenze chirurgiche ogni mese.
Many ways to give
You can contribute your “5 per mille”, or give with a credit card, PayPal, wire transfer, and, for Ubi Banca customers, with a commission-free charitable wire transfer.

Recent news
Learn more about our projects and about the bright new Buzzi Hospital