The Buzzi Hospital Otorhinolaryngology Departmental Unit (Ear, Nose, and Throat, or ENT) is the only one in the Milan area to deal exclusively with ENT issues in pediatric patients, and is the only one to guarantee 24-hour emergency ENT pediatric service.
The department houses 4 CLINICS:
- 2 general clinics
- 1 phoniatric and speech therapy clinic
- 1 audiology clinic for early post-screening diagnosis of deafness, and subsequent treatment (prosthetics/cochlear implants) and rehabilitation.
This department is a beacon where parents can find support and rely on medical experts who can give their child a peaceful future.
The Buzzi Foundation, with the support of the Amplifon Foundation, recently completed up-dates to the Vittore Buzzi Hospital’s otorhinolaryngology clinics, bringing them to the highest level of audiological diagnosis found today.
Now the Children’s Hospital is equipped with a new sanitized audiometry booth, a new set of pediatric audiology instruments, two new latest-generation video consoles, and a new micro-scope for outpatient examination.
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