With a bequest to the Buzzi Foundation, sickness doesn’t put an end to our children’s dreams.
By leaving a part of your estate to the Buzzi Foundation, you’ll help to give all children a hospital that takes care of and heals them. A hospital open to the world and to the future: a ho-spital for all.
Leaving a part of your legacy to the Buzzi Foundation means ensuring the best pediatric care, investing in the future of research, and improving diagnoses through cutting-edge technology.
The Buzzi Foundation supports the work of doctors and nurses at the Buzzi Hospital and as-sists families at the moment when their child’s illness bursts into their life.
To properly dispose of your estate, you must include in your will the complete name and tax code of our Foundation:
Fondazione Ospedale dei bambini Buzzi Onlus
Via Castelvetro 32 – 20154 Milano
C.F. 97443300153