Organizational chart of Buzzi Foundation

Dr. Stefano Simontacchi

Stefano is a renowned expert in national and international taxation, an influential voice in the Italian economic and financial landscape, and chairman of the foundation of the Children’s Hospital Buzzi in Milan, which is the “guiding star” of paediatric hospitals in Italy. In all the organisations Stefano has worked with, he has instilled the dream to drive their businesses to greater heights. Since he was elected co-managing partner of BonelliErede in 2013, Stefano has toiled not only to maintain the firm’s pole position in Italy but also to expand its international reach and achieve other firsts. To name but one, BonelliErede is the first Italian law firm to set up office in Africa. Stefano also regularly advises the government on drafting legislation and is currently consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on matters concerning Africa and the Mediterranean. Among other things, he proposed and drafted the Patent Box regime (the piece of legislation aimed at bringing investment in R&D and intangible assets back to Italy) and the African Act (which is aimed at making Italy the preferred hub for investments in Africa and the Mediterranean basin). As well as being a regular contributor to Il Sole 24 Ore, Stefano regularly features – on tax issues and more far-reaching issues – in all the leading financial and economic dailies. He also sits in the boards of RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. and Prada S.p.A.

Dr. Gabriele Zucchini
Board member

Manuela Vicari Acone
Board member

Avv. Monica Iacoviello
Board member

Dr.ssa Ida Salvo
Board member
Former Director, Departments of Anesthesia, Intensive Therapy, and Palliative Care at Buzzi Pediatric Hospital

Dr. Andrea Righini
Board member
Director of the Department of Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology at Buzzi Pediatric Hospital

Dr. Gianvincenzo Zuccotti
Board member
Director of the Pediatric Clinic at Universita degli Studi Milan

Dr.ssa Irene Cetin
Board member
Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at Buzzi Children’s Hospital

Dr.ssa Gloria Pelizzo
Board member
Director of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Buzzi Children’s Hospital

Dr.ssa Elena Zoia
Board member
Director of Anesthesia and Intensive Pediatric Therapy at Buzzi Children’s Hospital